Our Cleaning Promise
We take great pride in keeping our places sparkling clean and our guest reviews attest to our commitment to cleaning.
After every checkout, we do more than the basics. Our cleaning protocol is to wash all linens including pillow protectors, mattress pads, and bedspreads after EVERY reservation. All cookware and utensils are also checked and cleaned.
Besides cleaning all surfaces such as table tops, counters, and cabinets, we disinfect frequently-touched surfaces such as light switches, door handles, and remotes.
With COVID-19, we are more than ever committed to providing you with a safe, clean, sanitized place to relax and enjoy your time on our beautiful Island.
Please note that as a result of our thorough cleaning practices, we must adhere to the check-out times posted. If you have questions, please feel free to contact us.
Mahalo! Lia and Steve.